Make achieving goals a lifestyle
Mental mentoring and recalibrating, along with energy and focus management.
01. You-Nity Program: to put you back in charge of managing your life.
02. You-Realisation Program: Uncover your unique gifts and talents, and align them with your personal mission.
03. You-Expression Program: Embrace an authentic life that reflects your true self. One you’re fully aligned with and never feel the need to escape.


By recalibrating your compass back to yourself, I cause alignment within a person to become the superhuman, fully optimally functional person you were meant to be. I've done it and keep on achieving my goals one by one, and so can you. Embark on a journey with me to change your life from disaster to mastery!
+27 76 596 0924
"Experience the holistic benefits of self-development and self-improvement, living your authentic truth in this world."
Anonymous (Media personality)
“My journey with Zelmia began early last year in 2023 when I was gifted a session by another friend who had been to her. So, I saw her for a session in January/February it was just a general session, and some exciting things was about to happen in my life, and I was doing some major work in my life, it was just to settle and centre myself and all of that. It so happens that a few months later in April my entire life blew up when I found out that my husband had been having several affairs throughout our entire marriage and have been seeing woman from the time we were dating, and of course this resulted in divorce. In that time in April before my divorce, when I found out what had happened, I reconnected with Zelmia and a couple of weeks after the big revolution I reconnected with Zelmia and my longer journey with her then began. She helped me firstly maintain just strength and sense and sensibility in that time so that I could show up for my kids and rid myself of negativity, which happened over time it didn’t just come automatically, and just deal with the grieve, pain and humiliation I have been feeling at the time. Not so much just for me but that I could show up for my kids here at home. We did Reiki at least once a week were it was helping me deal with my energy issues, my energy was low and I was feeling like a Zombie and as I progressed with Zelmia over the months my strength grew to deal with the accrual divorce itself which happened in August 2023, and from there we looked just at how I coped day to day, week to week and month to month and also in terms of making decisions and handle certain situations with my kids with my ex-husband who was a narcissistic person and just having delt with how to deal with and respond to his continues harassment gas lighting nastiness as well. She taught me about the healthy male and healthy female, subsequently just fell into doing the You-Nity course with her which is amazing, it teaches you how to deal with certain situations with my kids, two kids with different personalities, and we progressed from there with situations as they rose to finally focus on me and what I needed to do for myself. It has been the most amazing journey about me learning things about myself, me accepting things about myself, me learning to love myself. It's still a work in progress, having applied everything I’ve learned from Zelmia and specifically about me, so it’s not a blanket experience for everyone. It is based on what you are going through in your life, it is based on who you are, it’s based on what your childhood experiences have been. So although there is a guideline I suppose to the You-Nity course, Zelmia is amazing in adapting it, and taking the time to find out who you are, and how these guidelines applies to you, as a person, that person, that individual, who has been through those things, and she is so patient and amazing and available when you need her.
Just the fact I know I can send message her at any time and she will respond at some point with some advice, and she is not charging you for every bit of advice unlike lawyers.She is really, really, really one of the biggest rocks throughout this journey, I don’t think I would have made it without her. I mean it hasn’t been a year yet since my divorce at the time of you hearing this at the time of me providing this information right now, but I’ve grown, because I’ve had a couple of other experiences along the way, since my divorce , I won’t call them relationships, I think I would call them experiences and they have too come with their own problems and she has helped me to deal with them and see them and find my own strength and find my way of putting my foot down with certain things except certain things, make sense of certain things there as well. There is no judgement, she hasn’t judges me for anything that I’ve done, she supports me and with that no judgement part of it has been the best part for me. As she has made everything make sense in terms of that was meant to happen, you were meant to learn this, how have you grown from it, how have you applied what we’ve thought, what we’ve learned in terms of recognizing red flags, getting out. She makes you feel good about yourself, not because you got yourself in a situation, but yet again you could have been a victim. She shows you how you can become a survivor, and I absolutely don’t know what I would have done without Zelmia in my life, or since April last year. She is always so willing and always available even though she doesn’t respond immediately, but she does respond and take the time to listen. She doesn’t just respond with a 10 second advice, she really puts a lot of thought into it to who she knows you are and what she has learned about you, and our journey still continues, we are still on the You-nity course and I am sure when I come out the other side, no I know that when I come out the other side I will be able to make better choices and decisions for myself and not beat myself up over things that didn’t quite work out. Because as you’ll learn with Zelmia things sometimes don’t work out for a reason and to open your eyes to something. I absolutely look forward to our sessions because I know that is me time. She has taught me to love and value myself which is something I’ve never done in my entire life. The work I ‘ve done with Zelmia is invaluable, you cannot put a value to it, and the fact that she is so generous , she ask you to gift other people sessions and she takes her time , I am sure it takes a lot of her energy as well."
Mental Mentoring
Mental coaching is often overlooked by performers.
Utilizes NLP, Clean Language, Clean Space, and audio Reiki.
Created a comprehensive program to recalibrate the mind.
Designed for whole-person integration and optimal performance.
Energy Management
Energy stagnates in the body from physical injury or emotional pain.
Energy blocks can lead to dis-ease, which may cause illness.
Reiki energy work improves energy flow, promoting relaxation, pain relief, faster healing, and reduced illness symptoms.
Reiki healing can be done remotely, offering distance healing over miles.

Stress Management and Anxiety Relief
Kinesiology gathers information from the body's energy.
It impacts the body on structural, biochemical, and emotional levels.
Restores the body's natural balance, aiding stress management and relieving anxiety in both body and mind.
(KIM) Kinesiology Isolation Movement
Co-founder of KIM, excited about the power of movement as a universal language.
Over 20 years of belly dancing experience, understanding the impact of movement on well-being.
Combined with Kinesiology, it's a powerful tool for non-verbal sessions.
The body holds valuable information accessible through this modality.
You-Nity Program, You-Realisation Program & You-Expression Program
“The key to a conscious, joyous and meaningful life“
The Craft of Polymath Concepts. Welcome to a world of concepts, metaphors, movement, insight, truth, ancient knowledge, inner work, personal work, and healing, that are artfully packaged and presented in a unique and unorthodox way, through verbal and energy transmission. During our presentations, we remain objectively present and grounded, while purposefully employing life force energy to evaluate and address the concepts, the insight, and the integration of the content for a life-changing experience. We make your experience come to life!

Just for today I will be calm

Just for today I will be at peace

Just for today I will be thankful for all my blessings

Just for today I will honour all living things

Just for today I will learn, grow and strive to be a better me.